Societal values

Work package Work package 9 Societal values – towards fair energy and mobility transitions

Principal investigator

Other researchers

Do you want to work on Societal values?

We are looking for the best social scientist and transition researchers to come to a fair and just transition

Work package Work package 9 Societal values – towards fair energy and mobility transitions


  1. Analyzing socio-economic consequences of the different transition scenarios (inequality / access /
    income distribution / public space / participation)
  2. Co-create desired transition pathways towards sustainable and just urban energy-mobility systems
  3. Developing proactive governance strategies to advance such desired pathways to maximize
    societal benefits (link to WP9)


  1. Baseline analysis of persistent problems in urban energy/mobility
  2. Exploring socio-economic consequences of the different transition scenarios (inequality / access /
    income distribution / public space / participation) with specific attention for the use cases of i
    Rotterdam, De Verkeersonderneming and the living labs in the Province of Noord-Brabant. (link to
    WP’s 2, 4 & 7 ). We would like to realize quadrupple cooperation in four living Labs in Brabant and
    stimulate acceptance by civilians and support businesses
  3. To develop quantitative socio-technical transition scenarios and assess their potential impacts
    related to identified persistent problems.
  4. Co-creating desired transition pathways for urban energy/mobility with De Verkeersonderneming
    and Citizens. The output of Task 1 will provide the basis for participatory co-creation of concrete
    transition roadmaps towards zero emission, smart, sustainable and inclusive energy/mobility
    systems. The task will be led by EUR, supported by TuE, in close cooperation with the city of
    Rotterdam, De Verkeersonderneming and Province Brabant. The concrete output will be
    reports/documents on the developed roadmaps for setup of practical field tests with maximum
    effects and well designed monitoring methodology for learning the best out of the experiments.
  5. Developing sustainability transition governance for energy/mobility. Led by EUR, we will explore
    the dilemma’s, dynamics and decisions to advance desired transition roadmaps. These include
    typical government-led interventions as well as market-based strategies and civil-society
    initiatives, including ideas developed in other WPs on behavioral change, pricing and cooperative
    models. This will lead to an ‘urban energy/mobility transition handbook’.

Expected output

  1. Literature review of persistent unsustainability current energy/mobility systems (M9)
  2. Scientific paper on persistent unsustainability of urban energy/mobility (M12)
  3. Baseline transition analysis of dynamics, mechanisms and momentum for energy/mobility
    transition (M15)
  4. Assessment of societal costs and benefits of possible urban energy/mobility transitions (M21)
  5. Co-creation workshops (M18-M24)
  6. Scientific paper on social costs and benefits of possible urban energy/mobility transitions (M24)
  7. Transition roadmap reports from workshops (M27)
  8. Scientific paper on urban energy/mobility roadmaps (M33)
  9. Urban energy/mobility transition handbook (M39)
  10. Scientific paper on transition governance for urban energy/mobility transition (M45)