
Work package 8a: Governance for accelerating the energy transition – regulation

Principal investigator

Other researchers

Do you want to work on Regulation?

We are looking for the best law students with a passion for sustainability and transitions.

Work package 8a: Governance for accelerating the energy transition – regulation


  1. Contribute to the overall goal of the NEON consortium by answering the research question which
    legal principles, rules, and governance processes should be embedded in the law to accelerate the
    energy transition in the Netherlands in line with the principles of good governance;
  2. Contribute to the NEON consortium by answering the question how should these principles, rules,
    and processes be implemented in the law and governance processes in line with the principles of
    good governance.

This WP will support the other WPs (and especially WPs 1,2,3,5, 6a) identifying possible regulatory
barriers for the introduction and development of new innovations in the energy and mobility sectors
and in finding approaches and solutions for dealing with the barriers identified.

  1. Analyze what are the general and sector specific legal principles and concepts governing the
    energy transition
  2. Analyze what should be the role of the law in accelerating the energy transition and what are its
  3. Analyze what are the implications of the move from a central to a decentralized energy supply
    model for regulation and supervision of the energy sector
  4. Analyze what legal and institutional barriers hamper the energy transition
  5. Analyze what are new roles, new responsibilities and new activities in the energy sector
  6. Analyze whether new/changing roles and responsibilities, such as the role of the distribution
    system operators, the role of aggregators, the operators of storage facilities, the role of EV owners,
    and trading platforms, should be regulated and if so how
  7. Analyze how legal and institutional barriers hampering the energy transition can be overcome
  8. Analyze what role data plays in the energy transition and how can access to data be safeguarded
    to enable energy users to participate in the energy transition
  9. Analyze how data protection concerns and access to data can be balanced
  10. Synthesize which regulatory changes and governance processes are needed to facilitate the energy
    transition in line with the principles of good governance.

Expected output

  1. A project report identifying regulatory and institutional barriers for the energy transition; (M12)
  2. A project report identifying data protection concerns in the energy transition; (M24)
  3. A project report that advises project partners on dealing with regulatory changes; (M12,24,36,48)
  4. Paper on regulatory principles and concepts that form the basis for the regulation and governance
    of the energy sector; (M12)
  5. Paper on legal constraints in sector and location specific transition scenarios (detailed at level of
    neighborhood, municipality, province) under different regulatory frameworks; (M24)
  6. Paper on the balancing of data protection concerns and the relevance of access to user data; (M36)
  7. Paper on detailing regulatory changes (rules and governance processes) needed to accelerate
    wanted developments and block unwanted developments in line with the principles of good
  8. On the basis of the abovementioned papers a complete PhD will be defended.
    The (draft) papers will be presented during consortium and working meetings with the partners. The
    papers will be also be presented during academic conferences and seminars. The papers will be
    submitted to international peer reviewed journals, such as Energy Policy, Regulation and Governance,
    Utilities Policy and Law, Innovation and Technology.