Electric cars and trucks

Work package 4: Electric mobility

Principal investigator

Other researchers


Do you want to work on Electric cars and trucks?

We are looking for the best engineers to work on state-of-the-art electric vehicles

Work package 4: Electric mobility


  1. Develop a methodology for improved parametric design and optimization of electrical (e-)
    powertrains for a range of applications from lightweight (LEVs, solar cars) to heavy transportation
    systems (e-trucks, e-buses).
  2. Develop a methodology to optimally determine the synergy and business case of a smart-charging
    (solar) car, truck, or buses (depending on the chosen case study) in the energy transition.


  1. Creating a modular electric powertrain simulation platform:
    a. Functional and component system analysis; integrated in a network of smart and sustainable
    energy producers (solar and wind) and (mobile and stationary) consumers of which the states
    change dynamically.
    b. Data collection (state-of-the-art components), (scalable) component and e-powertrain system
    model development (TU/e, Lightyear, TNO).
    c. Definition on the required design analysis responses, identifying coupled design variables
    between the sub-design problems – e-powertrain(s) with advanced energy management design
    interfacing new ultra-fast charging technology (linked to WP5 for heavy transport).
    d. Development of an advanced energy management based on parameter/state estimation, taking
    into account operation conditions (such as those presented by automation), as well as changing
    parameters during the ageing of the systems.
  2. Creating new model-based system engineering tools (MBSE):
    a. Enabling design space exploration (e.g. automatic generation of new system architectures),
    flexible to change designer’s preferences (e.g. problem setup), objectives (e.g. energy, cost of
    ownership, transport efficiency) and components (technology, architectures).
    b. Allowing the reusability of models (control system, storage, transmission, conversion
    components) for different use cases as a shell around the modular simulation platform (from
    task 1).
    c. Allowing automated powertrain system design for (customer-)specific use cases in a fast and
    cost-effective manner (even for small series production): using commonality-in-design and
    other novel product design concepts based on studying the step moving from the classical
    design to a new process validation method in product design.
  3. Determining the optimal synergy and business case of a smart charging (solar) car in the energy
    a. Iteration on the shared variables (via the constraints, objectives) between the design problems
    at micro-grid (powertrain) and macro-grid level (energy producers/consumers).
    b. Cost benefit analyses enabling to estimate and predict break through opportunities (linked to
    WP10 in which aggregated results from this WP will be used) and estimate minimum component
    and system specifications.
  4. Determining and analysing people’s preferences regarding electric vehicles (e.g. solar cars):
    Studying daily commuting behavior of people, the charging opportunities and in case of solar cars the
    stochastically prediction of seasonal (solar) weather conditions (geographically), acceptance and trust
    (social acceptance, linked to Task 1, WP5) in care free usage will be invested here.

Expected output

  1. Modular electric powertrain simulation platform capturing the component characteristics, operation
    conditions of the powertrain systems with sufficient accuracy (M24).
  2. New MBSE tools to quickly design optimized e-powertrain for small series production using novel
    product design methods (M48).
  3. At least 16 journal publications (M12x4, 24×4, 36×4, 48×4) and 32 conference publications (M12x8,
    24×8, 36×8, 48×8) on describing new integrated system design methods and tools, new product
    design using process validation concepts, technical analysis of potential integration benefits, the
    business case and acceptance of LEVs, solar cars, e-buses and e-trucks are foreseen.