I live in Utrecht, in a beautiful place in the city center together with my partner and our children. Together we have 4 children, ages ranging from 2-15 years old. So I really enjoy quietly reading a fantasy novel. I am very bad at plants but I do like them. We do not own a car and I am actually not a very good driver. We have a solar heating system that shuts down when the sun shines too bright, but that we are otherwise quite happy with, as I really enjoy long showers. Away from home, the Dutch coast, the dunes and the ‘waddeneilanden’ are amongst my favorite places.
After a masters in AI, and a PhD at CWI on agent-based simulation, I ended up working on sustainability transitions. First in Utrecht and since 2015 in Eindhoven. Working at the university is the best job in the world for me. Not only because I love the freedom we have to work on the problems that we find interesting and important – in my case sustainability – but also because I really quite like the people that work at the university.