Tessa Leferink
- Eindhoven University of Technology
- t.s.leferink@tue.nl
- Work package 10: Integral models
- Urban planning & sustainable transport choices
My main research question is: how can the built environment and mobility policy of urban neighbourhoods be improved to seize the opportunity of residential relocation for more sustainable travel behaviour and lower car ownership?
In my research I get to combine two fascinating trends: urbanization and innovations in mobility, and combine them with behaviour change. Dutch people typically move homes 7 times in their lives (‘residential relocation’). Moving homes is a so-called ‘life change event’, a phase of flexibility when we tend to be more open (or are forced) to try new routines. Including routines of travel.
More homes are being built. These are often planned in urbanized areas where mixed use and transit oriented development (TOD) are the norm: places where we typically find higher use of the bicycle and public transport, as well as lower car ownership. Yet we don’t know very well to what extend the new inhabitants of these neighbourhoods travel differently than before and what the reason for (not) changing was. With empirical research my study will focus on finding factors of success and failure of more sustainable travel behaviour upon residential relocation.
My work on urban mobility transitions closely aligns with research of Sophie Buchel on mobility justice, Pim Labee on multi-day travel choices and Milan Tamis on mobility neighbourhood hubs. Other NEON colleagues are studying autonomous and electric driving and city logistics – which on a more general level describe future neighbourhoods. The output of my work can be linked to the agent-based NEON model on energy and mobility transition. Kees Maat and Floor Alkemade are my promotors.