PHD candidate
Caspar Hanselaar
- Eindhoven University of Technology
- Work package 6b: Smart & safe mobility – the safety envelope
- Autonomous vehicles
We feel that the Safety Envelope is an essential step to attaining self-driving vehicles, and thereby an enabler of an affordable and accessible MAAS solution for all. The Safety Envelope attempts to determine the safety of a vehicle, in its uncertain environment, using the fruits of labor of many a brilliant research team working on self-driving vehicle capabilities. We seek to combine different efforts, in a way that does not hinder any team’s development speed, but rather augments their efforts by detecting and mitigating unknown limitations of their systems.
This approach is not exclusive to self-driving vehicles, and can be considered applicable to mixed control situations as well, helping to reduce road fatalities around the globe.
We’re proud to be in the same WP with Gijs Dubbelman, from TU/e Electrical Eng., to discuss reaching a holistic scene understanding, able to detect and interpret (inter-) object behavioral, model the scene and the context around the car.
Similarly we look forward to listen and develop the work with the WP partners, SWOV (Peter van der Knaap), NXP (Gerardo Daalderop, Andrei Terechko), and RDW.
On a broader scale, we hope to contribute to the understanding of network level implications (e.g. MaaS and Hubs (Tom van Woensel), traffic level, logistics systems, V2X), connections with the powertrain design, e.g. Theo Hofman, Steven Wilkins, Mauro Salazar), the human factor (Reint Jan Renes) and other topics in the mobility cluster. I am looking for sharing data, methods, creating links and co-develop.