PhD Candidate
Rishikesh Joshi
- Delft University of Technology
- Work package 1a: Airborne Wind Energy
- Utility-scale airborne wind energy in the European energy markets

Airborne wind energy (AWE) is an innovative wind energy technology which uses tethered kites to harness the high altitude wind resource which is currently inaccessible by conventional towered wind turbines. For successful diffusion of the technology in the energy market, the design of the airborne wind energy systems (AWES) should be aligned with the market and its requirements. There is a need of a system level framework which captures both of these aspects and guides the AWES design in the right track. This forms the motivation of my research.
The focus of my research is on the context of the European electricity market. Following are the research objectives defined at this moment.
Along with the other PhDs involved in the work package 1a, I see potential for collaboration with PhDs working under the work packages 3 and 10.