Author: Auke Hoekstra
How a recent attack on 100% renewable models might end the trench warfare and benefit our climate
Or why bickering over facts is a step in the right direction Thursday evening (July 27, 2023) Seaver Wang of the Breakthrough Institute published an attack on 100% renewable papers and took specific aim at the group at LUT University in Finland lead by prof Christian Breyer. The attack states 100% RE models are “bunk”…
Copper scarcity will not materially slow down the energy transition
Auke Hoekstra, director of NEONresearch,, @aukehoekstra Abstract Many scientific publications assert copper scarcity is a roadblock on the way to renewable energy, but almost none take substitution into account. Although copper demand could increase about 30% because the transition to renewable energy, substitution with aluminum is possible for almost all applications. Therefore, it is…
Why we must move beyond doomsday scenarios in order to save the planet
This theme has been nagging me for a long time but a recent piece in Wired called made me decide to pre-publish a snippet of a scientific article I’m writing on this. The piece that triggered this post concludes: It’s time to stop telling our children that they’re going to die from climate change. It’s…
Wind worries and smart solutions
In this first NEON research blogpost, I will introduce a range of partners, principal investigators and PhD candidates around an important topic that has gotten a lot of (critical) attention recently: wind power. What are all the worries about? Why is wind so important? And who is doing what on this topic within NEON research? Wind worries The worries regarding wind turbines on land are growing, the…