Professor Urban Intelligence
Paul van de Coevering
- Breda University of Applied Sciences
- Work package 6a: Smart & safe mobility - smart hubs and mobility as a service
- Urban Intelligence
In the NEON project we focus on multimodal transportation and smart hubs/MaaS. The professorship of Urban Intelligence is a collaboration between the province of North Brabant and Breda University of applied sciences. It specializes in the translation of empirical (BIG) data into (policy) information and value. We are one of the driving forces behind the National Bike Counting Week (Fietstelweek), the biggest GPS-based bicycle survey in the world. We developed CyclePRINT where GPS data is used to assess bicycle network quality indicators. Furthermore, we work with partners in the industry to analyze cellphone and Public Transport Smart Card data. In the NEON project we will focus on the valorization part and will use our excellent connections with the province to enable our NEON-partners to get things done in practice.
Within the consortium our scope is on smart hubs/MaaS. The province of North-Brabant has innovative policies when it comes to shared mobility, mobility HUBS and MaaS. The link between the (recalibration of) the Albatross model, provincial policies and the development of local Smart Hub will be a great challenge.